Sharktopus Vs Whalewolf

By: Justin Hopkins

It has been a long time coming for this movie. I have watched Sharktopus nearly an inappropriate amount of times and enjoyed Sharktopus vs Pteracuda and after the last few B-Movie Sundays. Kind of needed a fun goofy movie and had hopes fir this one. Lets dive in and discuss shall we.

We open to a water on the funeral on the water, with the Captain of the boat, Ray, coming out halfway through. Having no idea what was going on and made a scene out of it. His friend Pablo was the one to rent out the boat since he was out cold and made a scene arguing over it. Cut short when Sharktopus attacks. Taking down the casket and eating the widow when she went overboard. Earning him a trip to jail for reckless endangerment and Inspector Nita going to hit him with Manslaughter charges if the woman doesn’t turn up. Ignoring the warning he was shouting. Meanwhile we jump to the office of mad doctor Elsa Reinhardt with her patient Felix Rosa. A former Baseball Player who is desperate to get back to the league, but is slightly turned off by what he is hearing, but when he is laughed out of the bar. He has a change of heart. Meanwhile, Ray gets bail from Voodoo Priest Tiny. Whop agreed to Bail him out if they will bring him the heart of Sharktopus. Turns out Sharktopus is pretty well known, even having a Twitter page. Back at Reinhardt’s, Rosa returns for his procedures. She is prepared and ready. Going to inject him with DNA of various animals and shots it into him with electricity, She cut it off after awhile, but he commences another round before flat lining, She drags the body to the dock and dumps it in and on contact, he turns into half wolf half whale. Returning to the Doctor who feeds him the nurse and doesn’t take long for him to start rampaging and that is about a good of place as any to leave it for the time being.

Normally, can’t really bash the story to much. When your characters are Sharktopus and a Whalewolf you are not expecting the strongest of stories to back them up, and while this is really weak story even by these standards. The over the top carnage from Sharktopus was more than enough to cover some of it and Whalewolf wasn’t to bad. He was no Pteracuda, but passable.

But that might be the end of the positives for this one. Outside of the Sharktopus and some of the Whalewolf scenes. There really isn’t much to say about any of the characters. The Voodoo scenes actually slowed the pacing down to a crawl. Continuity issues glare its face in ways that makes it impossible to ignore. When the cop is inspecting the garage, the car door is open in one shot and closed in the next and they flip between the two shots making it impossible to ignore the mistake. There were scenes where Sharktopus and Whalewolf were fighting and the next they were separated. They really could have used a bit more fighting between the two of them to transition a bit smoother.

While this movie wasn’t as good as Sharktopus and Sharktopus vs Pteracuda. There is a decent amount of fun to be had with this film. So if you are a fan of cheesy monster movies. You might have some fun with Sharktopus Vs Whalewolf. As Always, I hope you enjoy and…

Thank You For Reading.

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About justinoneone12

Reviewer of all movies. From main stream, B movies, animated, TV and other. Supplier of chicken for, Fionna, the vampire from the demon realm. Hope you enjoy and thanks for checking out what we produce at Smash Writing

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