Archive | December 2017

Star Wars The Last Jedi Review

By: Justin Hopkins
  Star Wars The Last Jedi came out with not only more hype, but more fan theories then I have ever seen surrounding one movie before. Everyone sharing their ideas as to who Snoke was, who was Rey’s Parents, and was there going to be a turning from good to bad or bad to good. Not beeing a Stars Wars fans myself seemed to work out for me, cause I had no expectations going in. Leaving the theater, believing that the Last Jedi is the best so far.

  It starts with the trailer. Expertly weaving a misdirecting tale. Making us believe that we may be seein Rey take a turn toward the Dark Side of the Force. Showing just enough to pique our curiosities, without showing their hand. Exactly what a trailer needs to be more of.

  The main story with Rey was tremendous. Her determination and drive being the focal point. Wanting to learn the force from Luke, and not accepting no for an answer. Then believing in the good still being alive in Kylo to the point she went to find him. Daisy Ridley deserves the glory for this movie being as good as it was. Has chenistry with everyone she performs with, and has showing real character growth as Rey. Being a breath of fresh air that they would be dead without.

  As good as the A story was, the B side had some major issue. Showing the rebels trying to flee from the First Order, but running out of fuel and just staying clear of decimation. Finn and newcommer Rose making a desperate race against time to collect a Code Breaker to come back to the chase and sneak into the enemy’s ship and disable their tracking devise. It started out as a pretty decent side story to Rey and Luke’s, but all came undone, by one one minue scene. The Code Breaker turned out to be a member of the first order, but that mattered little because the Commander in charge for an injured Liela plan, was a far surperior one then their’s. Turned them into brave, play by their own rules rebels, into foolish, immature degenerates. That may have wasted Captain Plasma all together. One redeeming scene was when they set it up to look like Finn was going to sacrafice himself, only for Rose to knock him out of the way.  A scene that was interresting, but could have done without to do away with the B-Story all together.

  Mark Hamill’s Return to the character he is most known for was brilliant. Showing a Jedi who was beyond defeated. Believing his greatest failure, was the reason Kylo Ren was born. Hiding out on the Island to simply fade away. He got to show his comedic side, and at the end, show off how powerful of a Jedi Luke Skywalker is. May not have been the big lightsaber battle people were expecting, but at his age, may have looked bad. Instead his acting ability led the way here. Like Obi-Wan, this would be his demise, but not at the hands of his pupil. In fact he showed up his student. That he was still nothing but a Pupil and great reveal, after everything Kylo thrown at him, to be nothing more then a Force Driven Vision. If this was Mark’s final go as Luke, great way to go and pass off the torch to Rey in the process.

  This movie left a ton of questions for Episode 9. Snoke, is dead. The First Order and Rebellion are both in shambles, and is the perfect way to go. Leave everyone shell shocked and wandering what does the future hold in store for everyone, and just because they said her parents were nobodies, do I believe it won’t be exposed as a lie. 

Justice league Debacle

By Paul Anthony

How bad can it be? I am sure D.C. and Warner Brothers kept asking themselves when they saw the numbers for Justice League. There were rumors that they wanted to have a better opening than Thor which they failed to even come close to the numbers Thor has put up and at this point they were even hoping to be on Par with Batman V Superman, which they aren’t even close and what the saddest part is, Batman V Superman is probably the worse movie in the DCEU, yet it is the highest grossing film of the franchise. Justice league had a 300-million-dollar budget which doesn’t include the money they spent on marketing and the film has only grossed 570 million worldwide, sure it has only been out for a few weeks but each week the numbers keep dropping and Star Wars is just right around the corner, this might as well end up a big flop for warner brothers.

So, what happen? Well the problem has been mostly behind the camera, with Zach Snyder being in charges things were doomed to begin with, he wasn’t the right choice to lead this franchise and catch up to Marvel, finally Zach left the project because of family reasons which may have been a cover up because shortly after that Warner Bros basically fired him shortly after that, then they brought in Joss Whedon, which they saw the success he had with Marvel why not, so bring in the reshoots and script changes, the situation seems like the one Fox had with Fantastic Four. Joss did his best but the damage has been done. Then you add in the fact that Ben Affleck keeps jumping ship and showing signs, he might want to bail because this franchise is just a mess and it is clear as day this isn’t working. Are fans getting sick of him after like three movies? I sure would be sick of it.

The final version that we saw at the theaters wasn’t bad and was much better than Batman V Superman, The story was okay at best but there was too much CGI, the acting was alright but there was no real character development. But the action better. So with that being sad we are here wondering, what happen!

Warner bros have a plan B case Affleck wants to bail, the rumor is if Justice league flops, then they are doing the Flash point storyline in the Flash which changes everything even characters. I believe before they focus on another film, they might want to get everything situated behind the scenes and write a good script and get everyone on board for the long term build everything up the right way. There is hope with the Wonder Woman series which seems to be the only film they have going for them.

Crisis on Earth-X Review

By: Justin Hopkins

  For all the troubles the DCEU have had. The Arrowverse has been red hot. They took there time to build and let the audience love and enjoy their build. The Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, and of course, Arrow. They hit on all spectrums; dark and gritty, to light hearted and comedic, but always have powerful and moments of awe, leading up to the epic, 2 day Crisis of Earth-X, and it truly was that. An epic crossover event.

  The writing staff deserves a big congratulations for this. For how many different storylines they had running. Everyone coming together for the wedding between Barry Allen and Iris West. Alex and Supergirl trying to get back on track after losing their loves. More focus on Alex, who feels tremendous guilt over her one night stand with Sara Lance. Stein and Jefferson getting the cure for Firestorm and Jefferson needing to come to terms that the man he looks to as a Father, will be leaving the Waverider. Felicity telling Oliver that she may love him, but rejected his proposal. All before the major villains arrived from Earth-X. Earth 53, a world were the Nazis won the War, and the new Fueher was Oliver Queen, wife Kara Zor-El, working with Tommy Merlin, and Earth 1, Reverse Flash. Invade not just to take over, but to kidnap Supergirl and put her heart into a dying evil Supergirl.

  Never once did any of it seem overbloated or to much. Over 21 heroes, from each of the shows, plus returning characters that were Earth-X versions. Such as Winn as the Rebel General. Weaponized Red Tornado, Citizen Cold and Paul Blackthorne’s Quentin Lance being a diabolical Nazi General. Loved Diggle’s contribution, and a shocking death of a “Legend” and the funneral that was even more emotional. Almost impossible to highlight just one particular performance, because they were all stellar. Each character had time to showcase their abilities and what brings them to the table, and ran with all they got. Leaving each show with running starts to grow from.

  This is how to do a crossover. Everyone from actors, directors, and writers who care and wanting the absolute best for everyone. The DCEU and even Marvel to a point can look to this and learn, as Crisis on Earth-X set the bar for what could be years to come.