Archive | June 2018

Solo Oh No!

By Paul Anthony

Could it be? No it can’t be, Right? did we just witness our first Star Wars fail? As much of a shocker, we aren’t talking about episodes one through three, instead we are talking the most recently film Solo: A Star Wars story. Now at the time of this blog the movie has made 260 million worldwide and still currently is the number one film which, they will try to promote it as just that to get more people to come but with the drop its having in its second week its now pretty clear its a flop.

First lets discuss the numbers as i said before the movie has made 260 million worldwide so far and the budget was 250 million now when you look at those two numbers you think hey just in the second week it has already made a profit but when a movies has that type budget they looking to make at least 800 million and that is the low point, honestly this movie won’t make anywhere near that. In it’s second week it dropped 66 percent and for the domestic total for the second week it only brought in 30 million so the crowds are done flocking out to see it. It will only get worse for the numbers because from this point June is loaded.

Now we must wonder why this film didn’t do well and I may have the answers. Fatigue, yes this can happen to any fan base and Star Wars does not get a pass here. Disney got cocky here, just after releasing the Last Jedi just 6 months ago they decided to release another film which makes four films in four years, that is a little overboard when the franchise stayed quiet for over a decade. Clearly Disney needs to slow down. Next is the month Now we know Disney owns marvel and Star Wars and is trying to buy Fox so in theory they pretty much owned the month of May in 2018 but Deadpool 2 and Avengers: Infinity War was just too much for a film that had nothing to do with the main Saga. The fans, look just because a few people like idea of a spin off doesn’t mean everyone does and then you add in the fact that before Han Solo doesn’t really have much of a story to tell, the character became so popular simply because of who played him and not the character himself. Which is our last reason the story, we know who solo was but did we really clear? No we never did so the story didn’t add much to anything to the franchise and that also hurt it.

Now Disney has the money to take this lost and and just move on and i would be shocked if this even changed their plans moving forward. Its going to take for movie fails to realize that they messed up from somewhere. So fans get over this and get ready for Episode 9 which is the end of this current run that they are on with the main saga.

Oh Roseanne

Recently a hit show made a comeback and a surprise to me, the fans were glad it came back. now i will be the first one to admit that I haven’t had a chance to watch it and then before I realize the season was and now the show was canceled just weeks after it got renew for what would have been a 11th season now won’t happen, at least not for next season or a few years. So what caused this cancellation, well look no further then the lead actor herself Roseanne Barr and her tweet that were deemed racist.

I will admit i don’t know who she was talking about because i don’t like getting into Politics, I was told she was worked with the former president. The tweet described this lady as child from the planet of the apes and there you have it the word Ape was used to describe an African- American woman and now she just lost her show which was huge hit. ABC soon as it got word and saw the tweet cancel the show as fast as they could and it gets worse. Roseanne claimed the tweet was two am and she was on Ambien which caused her to tweet a terrible joke. which many responded by saying that bad taste in humor wasn’t a side affect from taking Ambien including the makers themselves.

Now I don’t believe she is a racist or anything like that, i do believe she was truly stupid for cracking a joke like, at least in this era where we are getting soft with the jokes and other things we say and as an adult she should have known better. But let’s look at the bigger picture of her career from her stand up comedy days, this is how she made a living and rose to fame and even her show would make jokes and yet we laughed and now its different. TimesĀ  have changed but she did not. Let’s look at other things she did that stupid, the biggest one came from a Cub’s baseball game when she sang or better way of describing it was attempting to sing the Star-Spangled Banner. to this day watching the video will give you chills.

Now there been a small rumor that another station or stations might want to get the show and bring it back for its 11th season but as of right now I would take that with a grain of salt. Even if the show would come back, some of the cast members don’t want to come back and be around her, still nothing can confirm this but I can believe the cast is truly made at her because she caused them their jobs. This might be the end and i hate to see the show end because something that the show had no part in but we can thank her for this series ending.

The unfortunate setback of The Crow

By: Justin Hopkins

Weeks away from escaping pre-production, after years of toiling and rumors. A release date of October 11, 2019, and just like that, the remake of the 1994 classic The Crow have lost their lead actor Jason Mamoa and director. Effectively, pushing it all the way back to the start, and as unpopular as this opinion is; it’s depressing to hear.

James O’Barr created something really special in 1989 with characters brought back from the dead in seek of justice. There are so many stories and scenarios to tell, from Iris Shaw or Mark Leung or many many others. All of which bring a different theme and uniqueness to the table. Have to look at the singular fact that Eric Draven though, which is understandable. His being the name associated with the franchise. Albeit he also causes the biggest debate amongst the fan base.

I take nothing away from how amazing Brandon Lee did. His performance was excellent and story has stood the test of time, but that doesn’t mean that someone else can’t do an equally good job or even a better one. Bill Skarsgard outshined Tim Curry in It. Heath Ledger was more memorable then Jack Nicholson’s Joker. At the same time though we still recognize and love what Tim and Jack gave us. Just because someone else plays the role, doesn’t take away from Brandon Lee’s performance but gives us a new take on the character Eric Draven.

Whatever may come from this setback. I do hope it’s not long before they can get traction and get The Crow back up and running again. There are so many different stories to tell and directions to take. The right people who care about the characters and their back stories. Can really put together a great movie.